UMSS17 has ended
Welcome to the 2017 UMaine Student Symposium: Research and Creative Activity electronic event program. This electronic program includes student abstracts, student presentation style descriptions, and presentation schedules. It also includes a map of the venue layout, schedule of the entire day’s events and programs, as well as details and information regarding our sponsors and selected university programs.

We hope you enjoy a full day of student presentations, guest speakers, award ceremonies, and the chance to network with UMaine students, faculty, staff, as well as local and state industry and community leaders! 

Barclay 'Summer' Streitfeld

Section A Poster 32
Investigation of the Chemistry and Biology of EM2487

The Streptomyces metabolite EM2487 suppresses Tat functions, stopping HIV replication in acute and chronic disease models. This is a novel discovery that could greatly improve Highly Active Anti-retroviral Therapy (HAART), thus creating a potential cure. The unique chemical and biological attributes of EM2487 led to a total synthesis and the unkown structural features were studied using NMR computations, synthetic chemistry, and degradation methods. Future studies will delve deeper into the structure-function relationship in order to further synthesize and discover analogues with pharmacokinetic benefits.

Faculty Mentor: Matthew Brichacek